2025 Annual Meeting and Auction
The officers and directors of the Nebraska Big Game Society are pleased to announce that the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has awarded our organization a Resident/Non-Resident Bull Elk permit for our Annual Meeting and Auction.
For more information visit the News & Media page of our site.
NBGS Donates $135,000 to Nebraska Game and Parks
This spring, the Nebraska Big Game Society held a fundraiser which included outdoor experiences, gear, and one resident/non-resident elk tag. Proceeds from the auction are donated to Nebraska Game and Parks to support wildlife management, research, and conservation projects. The NBGS successfully raised $135,000 on the elk tag, all of which they returned to Game and Parks. Pictured from left to right: Justin Hertzel, Jim King, NGPC Director Tim McCoy, Aaron Baumann and Tom King.
Over the years, the organization has raised nearly $1 million to support big game management and conservation in Nebraska. Thank you to the NBGS members and our staff who helped prepare for this event!

735 South 56th Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
Justin Hertzel – President